Bücher Kostenlos , by Aaron Oster
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, by Aaron Oster
Bücher Kostenlos , by Aaron Oster
, By Aaron Oster Genau wie kann ein Grundkonzept durch Lese steigern Sie ein effektives Individuum sein? Lesung , By Aaron Oster ist eine wirklich einfache Tätigkeit. Aber genau , wie viele Menschen so faul sein zu überprüfen? Sie werden sicherlich gerne ihre freie Zeit zu reden oder rumhängen investieren. Wenn sie als eine Tatsache, out - Prüfung , By Aaron Oster werden Ihnen mehr Wahrscheinlichkeiten gibt erfolgreich mit den Bemühungen abgeschlossen sein.
Es ist nicht erstaunlich, wenn Betreten dieser Website, das Buch zu erhalten. Eines der beliebtestenen Bücher zur Zeit ist die , By Aaron Oster Sie verwirrt werden könnte aufgrund der Tatsache, dass Sie das Buch nicht in Führung Laden um Ihre Stadt finden. Typischerweise wird sicherlich die beliebte Publikation schnell vermarktet werden. Wenn Sie das Geschäft entdeckt haben, das Buch zu kaufen, wird es weh tun, so, wenn Sie es fehlt. Aus diesem Grund ist in dieser Website für diese bevorzugte Publikation suchen Sie profitieren auf jeden Fall zur Verfügung stellen. Sie werden sicherlich dieses Buch nicht fehlen.
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 4126 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 361 Seiten
Verlag: GFS Publishing (30. Mai 2019)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#34.085 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
I have a few pet peeves when it comes to reading. One that I don't write into too many reviews is that I expect the main characters of tales I read to at least be capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time. Most authors seem to understand that.The MC in Somerset (forever more in my mind known as "Brain-Dead Buffoon") definitely doesn't meet my standards. Honestly if I ran into someone this moronic in real life I'd be tempted to ask where he hides the in-ear speaker giving him "breathe in, breathe out" instructions.He forgets clear rules. He ignores others. He's foul-mouthed in a way that is moronic and not interesting.I could go on, but I won't. Its not worth the time. Some people will find him funny, but I found him pathetic and annoying. It ruined any possible enjoyment of the tale. It just left me thinking that the author was trying to cash in on the LitRPG craze rather than writing a good book.
There is a lot of swearing. A LOT. I knew there would be some from reading the blurb, but this was excessive. I described to a friend as swear words being used as a main course instead of salt for flavor. It didn’t add anything.The story itself was a romp poking fun at tropes and naming schemes. The MC is a bit dull, his companion much more lively and interesting. In all it was a good read and wrapped up well. I wished the wrap up detailed the rewards that were hinted at throughout the quest, but perhaps next book. Enjoy.
Really enjoyed this book. If your a fan of the litrpg genre then you'll love this new series. If you haven't already started to read his other series, dont miss out and pick them up as well. A great up and coming author who knows how to write a great story that keeps you captivated the whole way through.
Not to be taken very seriously but fun to read and keeps you interested. Looking forward to next.
It started off a little slow but once I got past the first chapter I read the book in just a day. Funny and entertaining and it makes you think what next ?. Just some great writing and a few more laughs.
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